Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Eons and Eons... since my last post.

Wow Ok, it has been forever... (I've had complaints, and for that I'm terribly sorry now you have a reason to check up on me again!)

Soooo part of this has been my fault BUT a HUGE chunk has NOT! I swear. I'm not making it up, honest....

You see my computer decided to BLOW UP! Well, not actually, but more like figuratively. My hard drive disappeared to a far off land and I only recently got my computer back! Then, there was the process of finding all my stuff again BECAUSE (as all people hope for when their drive fails) it was in no way salvagable :( a very sad sad day for me I believe I cried a little bit :(

BUT all was not lost just misplaced, because I am sort of from the stone age with some technologies and use a ton of cds because I dont have a jumpdrive (silly I know) BUT I found some of my stuff so here is the first of many more... I promise! aaaaaand I've learned my lesson I bought an external and will always back up my things!

My first sculpt of hopefully many more! I haven't been totally lame I've been working on silly stuff here and there!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One down a gazillion to go!

Fancy Pancakes!
"Dwell in possibility"
The fun strange fact that 2 rodent hairs are allowed in every jar of peanut butter!!!

Soooo at the conclusion of this I've decided I like fun borders ha :) aaaaaaaand these are rather old BUT not awful... I need to make up my own freetext friday rituals, or maybe just jump on the ones Cora Lynn comes up with for her classes this semester!... (sneaky sneaky)

Anywho, one down many more to come! I really HAVE started finishing up my book for print! I said I would, I said I would! Drop date is coming!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Excuse Factory and a "To Do" List

WOW ok... I can admit it I truly suck at this, I said I'd post and I haven't :( this is what happens in the continuous moving process, new hair, new attitude, busy work sched. etc.... aaaaaaahhhh the life of a grown up.


(these are what I'm best at! Sometimes I add things I've done, just so I can cross them off... sad I know)

*Get a monitor for my laptop... tiny is just too small
*AND an external... I can't believe I ate up so many gigs :/
*REdo layout/touch up pics from ~ImaginEvie~ I know I said it'd be done... I lied, life got in the way... still planning a book drop though whenever its complete!
*MAKE THANK YOU CARDS!!!!! Soooo many to send out!
*Scan and post fun sketches! This should be simple and quick... I'd like to think that anyway.

hmmm I'm sure there are more I guess this is tentative, and a post considering its been over a month :(

Please STAY TUNED!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dance Tee

These are 3 prints I made from the Tee I designed for the NADAA convention. The actual was printed just in black on the backs of white Tees.. :) YAY first commission EVER :D

aaaaaaaand hopefully the first of many many more!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ImaginEvie Some Finished Layouts

Hmmm Apparently my video doesn't get any larger :/

the end says that my book will soon be available at

AND Here are my finished pieces that were briefly previewed at the end...

ImaginEvie Process

Being sick has its advantages I guess, because I've been meaning to do this for a while!

This video contains excerpts from my process for my book ImaginEvie, that I wrote and illustrated for my Senior Project which culminated at the end of my last semester at UConn. I was really excited too because I was awarded the Faculty Recognition Award for my book YAY :)

AdvFigure Spring2008

I loved this class I got pushed hard to work on a full body of work... These are the ones that made the cut! Its all about the relationship of the two figures in repose they're dreaming and before waking moments (it helps that many of these were done in late night bleary eyed meditations like I'm sure many of you artists understand!)

Friday, July 10, 2009


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I love hearing from people who've stopped by its so cool! :) please leave comments! I'm going to start only writing comments back to the comment you leave so if you do check back.... :D YAY progress with this thing.

I'm learning :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grown Up Stuff

Sooo now that I'm officially graduated (from UConn's Illustration program) and I am now officially a professional artist it's about time I start promoting myself and my work!

This past weekend I had the privilege of seeing my FIRST commissioned art EVER printed on the backs of all who participated in NADAA's (National Association of Dance and Affiliated Artists) summer convention in CT! It was really exciting and I met wonderful young girls who were just as enthused about visual art as they were about the performing arts! I signed so many tee-shirts and sold prints of my other dance related work, (which I will soon post here as well.) It was such a wonderfully receptive audience (and I hope they are checking this out right now, because I passed out lots of business cards!) :)

For the convention I thought it would be a great idea to get my cafepress site finally off of the ground so I put a few of my prints on various items there as well!

For now the site is just snippets of my favorite works on several different items. However plans for the near future are to put up a site for graphic tees/apparel and then another for prints of my paintings. Right now I only have painting work available but check back soon because I've had a HUGE blast of inspiring motivational energy recently!

I was also super psyched to meet Miss Katee Shean from last season's So You Think You Can Dance on Fox. She was a fantastic teacher all day the kids loved her and they were SO excited to meet her and have her sign pictures and take pictures with them.

Anyway, please check back for more updates I'll be posting here and at cafepress! (My cousin also thinks its a good idea to finally breakdown and get a twitter thing going so keep a look out for that too!) Lots of posts and fun things to come!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Portfolio 2009

Electronic Zombies November 2008

Wild Hair Etching October 2006

Raab Prize October 2007

Raab Prize October 2008

Grid June 2008

Alice in Wonderland Mandala June 2008

Untitled October 2008

Untitled October 2008

Dancers November 2008

Dancers November 2008

Dancers November 2008

Figure Study September 2008

Figure Study November 2008

Figure Study November 2008

Figure Study November 2008

Figure Study September 2008